英语1 短文翻译



米饭是中国人每餐的主食(staple)。米粒加水蒸煮成米饭,直到充分吸收水分。中国人爱好蔬菜,尤其是绿叶蔬菜(leafy greens),他们喜欢熟吃蔬菜而非生吃。中国人每年吃掉大量的鸡蛋。在婴儿满月时,红鸡蛋因为代表着新生、希望和幸福,经常作吉祥的礼物分发。长期以来,汤在中国饮食文化中占据重要的地位,它被认为是最有营养利最易消化(digestible)的食物之一。
For the Chinese people, rice is the staple food in everyday meals. Rice is cooked by boiling or steaming, till it absorbs as much water as it can. Chinese people are fond of vegetables, especially leafy greens, and they prefer cooked vegetables rather than raw. China has a large consumption of eggs each year. At the baby’s first-month birthday, red-dyed eggs are always passed out as lucky gifts as they represent rebirth, hope and happiness. Soup has been an important part of Chinese food culture for a long time. It is considered to be one of the most nutritious and digestible food types.


大熊猫可能是中国最著名的动物,但是很少人看到过。中国人认识大熊猫已经很久了——两千多年前的字典上就提到过大熊猫,据说御花园(the imperial garden)还曾经养过大熊猫。这种生物有很独特的食性——竹子,竹子的能量很低,大熊猫不得不把大量时间放在吃上。一旦一个地方的竹子吃完了,大熊猫就必须继续前进到另一个地方。大熊猫的爪子很灵活,腕骨很大,能准确地抓住并灵巧(dexterity)地控制(maneuver)竹子.
The Giant Panda is probably China’s most famous animal, but very few people have ever seen it. The panda has long been known in China —- it was mentioned in dictionaries more than 2000 years ago and the imperial garden is said to have housed one. This creature has a very specific diet —- bamboo, which is so low in energy that the panda must spend most of the day eating. Once it has exhausted one area, it must move on to the next. The panda’s paw is flexible with an enlarged twist bone which allows it to grasp but maneuver the bamboo with dexterity and precision.


中国人有热爱体育的传统,将体育当作健身和娱乐的重要手段,武术(the martial arts)便是其中之一。武术,又称功夫(kong fu)。说起中国功夫,人们会立刻想到李小龙(Bruce Lee)。他的功夫片风靡世界,他几乎成为中国功夫的化身(embodiment),他那令人眼花缭乱的功夫给人留下深刻印象。中国武术是立足于防守的功夫,并不以攻击为主要目标。习武者以防身健体,提高心智为目的。中国人民创造和发展了武术,它是珍贵的民族文化遗产。
Traditionally, the Chinese love sports as an essential method for keeping fit as well as for entertainment. The martial arts are one of them. When people talk of the martial arts, or kong fu, they most immediately think of Bruce Lee. With his martial arts movies popular throughout the world, he became the embodiment of Chinese martial arts. His dazzling skills left a deep impression on audiences. Chinese martial arts are a type of defensive martial arts, where offensive attack is not the main goal. The purpose of martial arts practitioners is to protect oneself, keep fit and enhance their mental discipline. The martial arts have been created and developed by the Chinese people and are a precious national cultural legacy.


Volunteering for the giant panda in China is a fantastic experience, which offers you the unique opportunity to take care of the Giant Panda. Although the Giant Panda is one of the most delightful and captivating animals, it is still one of the most endangered species in the world. In the past few years, the survival of the pandas has been threatened, which makes the conservation effort very important for these wonderful animals. By joining this program, you will genuinely help the Panda Reserve to protect these animals from extinction, and you may carry out research on these most magnificent and adorable animals as well. In conclusion, volunteers play an important part in safeguarding the Panda.


中国人的价值观深受孔子思想的影响。一个人只有自身修养(self-cultivation)达到一定的境界,才能以身垂范,使全家人能和睦相处。如果把家里的道德伦理(ethical)和治家的方法进一步扩大开去,他就可治国。创造相对公平的社会,帮助老百姓创造一个适合生存的环境,就是平天下。“修身、齐家(regulating the family)、治国、平天下”的价值观影响了中国上千年。
Chinese value is deeply influenced by Confucianism. Only when one’s self-cultivation reaches to a certain level, can he set an example to his family. Then the family members can live in a harmonious environment. If one can use the ethical standards that set up in his family and the ways he manages his family members, he can manage the nation. Creating a relatively fair society and helping the people to have a suitable surviving environment means establishing a peaceful world. The idea “Self-cultivation; Regulating the family; Managing the nation; And establishing peace all over the world” has affected Chinese for thousands of years.


在过去30年里,中国发生了翻天覆地的变化。就物质基础建设(infrastructure)、技术能力和商业交易的大小和规模而言,中国的一些重点城市,例如北京、上海、广州和深圳等已真正达到世界级水平。尽管发展迅速,但大多数现代消费品的广告与营销在中国仅有25年到30年的历史。许多类别的品牌仍然以首次购买该产品的消费者为目标。这对于国内营销传播(marketing communication)的性质产生巨大影响。
China has experienced fundamental changes in the past 30 years. In terms of physical infrastructure, technological capability, and size and scale of business transactions, some of the key cities in China such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, are indeed world-class. But in spite of this rapid development, most of the modern advertising and marketing for consumer products in China has a history of only 25-30 years. Brands in many of the categories could still be targeting consumers who are buying these products for the first time. This has a huge impact on the nature of marketing communication in China.
