英语2 作业

u1 作业1-词汇填空

一. 填空题(共8题,100分)

1. (填空题)
      fellow      compel      assurance      miracle      comfort      grief      announcement      sobering1. Disappointment, ____ and sleeplessness seized him for days after receiving the letter.


12.5分(1) grief 正确答案:(1) grief

2. (填空题)A newspaper published some rather _______ information about punishment for drunken driving convictions in other countries.


12.5分(1) sobering 正确答案:(1) sobering

3. (填空题)Success is discovering your best talents, skills, and abilities and applying them where they will make the most effective contribution to your _____ men.


12.5分(1) fellow 正确答案:(1) fellow

4. (填空题)People familiar with the matter said that an official ____________ could come as early as today. 


12.5分(1) announcement 正确答案:(1) announcement

5. (填空题)Every human being should learn to truly appreciate the beauty of nature and the ______ of life.


12.5分(1) miracle
正确答案:(1) miracle

6. (填空题)She ________ herself with the thought that it would soon be spring.


12.5分(1) comforted 正确答案:(1) comforted

7. (填空题)Such change _______ governments around the world to develop specific policies to solve the current crisis.


12.5分(1) compels 正确答案:(1) compelled; compels

8. (填空题)Consumers usually see a well-regarded brand name as a(n) _________ of quality. 


12.5分(1) assurance 正确答案:(1) assurance

u1 作业2-15选10课内

一. 填空题(共10题,100分)

1. (填空题)注意只能填大写字母,否则不得分!

The author went through a breathtaking travel six years ago and the experience impressed him deeply because he found a real hero in that emergency. On one Friday morning, a flight 1. ________ for Atlanta, which mainly hosted business travelers who often traveled by air. Soon after the plane took off, the passengers realized there was something wrong because the aircraft was 2. _________ and jerking. Most of them were 3. __________ travelers and thought this was one of those minor problems. However, things got much worse than they had imagined. The pilot 4. ________ the urgent crisis that one engine was broken and the hydraulic system had 5. _______, which meant they might have a quite tough 6. _________. Worse still, they might be about to 7. _______. Suddenly, panic spread all over the crowd. Many passengers looked visibly frightened. Even the most sobering people looked grim and pale. All around, people cried and screamed. In the 8. ________, there was a soft and calm voice from a woman who was trying to 9. ________ her daughter. The mother seemed undisturbed by the sounds of grief and fear around her. Even when facing death, the mother still told her daughter firmly about how much she loved her, and put her body over her daughter, trying to protect her as much as she could.Fortunately, the plane 10. ________ safely. No one was hurt in the emergency. However, the mother’s love for her daughter showed people what real courage was. A. failed         B. emphasized      C. landed      D. announced      E. experienced
F. bumping    G. headed             H. steering    I. crash                 J. comfort
K. compel      L. mass                  M. chaos       N. departure       O. touchdown


10分(1) G 正确答案:(1) G

2. (填空题)2.       


10分(1) F 正确答案:(1) F

3. (填空题)3.       


10分(1) E 正确答案:(1) E

4. (填空题)4.       


10分(1) D 正确答案:(1) D

5. (填空题)5.       


10分(1) A 正确答案:(1) A

6. (填空题)6.       


10分(1) O 正确答案:(1) O

7. (填空题)7.       


10分(1) I 正确答案:(1) I

8. (填空题)8.       


10分(1) M 正确答案:(1) M

9. (填空题)9.       


10分(1) J 正确答案:(1) J

10. (填空题)10.       


10分(1) C 正确答案:(1) C

u1 听力作业1-news

一. 单选题(共4题)

1. (单选题)1.

  • A.A) Her decision to remove her breasts and ovaries.
  • B.B) Her endorsement of a commercial.
  • C.C) Her role in a new film.
  • D. D) The results of her genetic testing.

我的答案: A:A) Her decision to remove her breasts and ovaries. ;正确答案: A:A) Her decision to remove her breasts and ovaries. ;

2. (单选题)2.

  • A.She was regarded as a national hero in America.
  • B. UK clinics managed to discover a new cancer gene.
  • C.More women made enquiries about genetic testing for cancer risk.
  • D.  An increasing number of people made their personal health status public

正确答案: C:More women made enquiries about genetic testing for cancer risk. ;

3. (单选题)3.

  • A.A) superhero in a film, possessing incredible power and wearing colorful costumes.

  • B.B) A real-life vigilante who shot his assailants on a subway train.
  • C.C) One of the 50 real-life crime fighters in the documentary Superheroes
  • D. D) A law-enforcement officer who takes a dim view of vigilantes.

正确答案: B:B) A real-life vigilante who shot his assailants on a subway train. ;

4. (单选题)4. 

  • A. Because innocent people are always assaulted by vigilantes.
  • B. Because there are few violent crimes and lawbreakers.
  • C. Because some masked vigilantes are actually violent criminals.
  • D. Because vigilantes seldom have police training.

正确答案: D:Because vigilantes seldom have police training.;

u1 听力作业2-conversation

一. 单选题(共4题)

1. (单选题)1.

  • A. He witnessed a robbery.
  • B. He was caught by the police.
  • C. He lost his wallet.
  • D. He was robbed.

正确答案: D:He was robbed.;

2. (单选题)2.

  • A. A silver photo frame.
  • B. The man’s wristwatch.
  • C. Jewelry of the man’s wife.
  • D. Wallet of the man’s wife.

正确答案: D:Wallet of the man’s wife.;

3. (单选题)3.

  • A. The policemen.
  • B. The man’s wife.
  • C. The woman.
  • D. The neighbor.

正确答案: B:The man’s wife.;

4. (单选题)4.

  • A. He is brave.
  • B. He is lucky.
  • C. He is careless.
  • D. He is wise.

正确答案: A:He is brave.;

u1 听力作业3-passage

一. 单选题(共3题)

1. (单选题)1.

  • A. They were at work.
  • B. They were driving their daughter to school.
  • C. They were driving some children in a minibus to school.
  • D. They were going to a market.

正确答案: C:They were driving some children in a minibus to school.;

2. (单选题)2.

  • A. Yang’s husband pulled the bus to the wrong direction.
  • B. Their minibus lost control and drove towards the children.
  • C. Their daughter ran to a truck.
  • D. A truck lost control and drove towards them.

正确答案: D:A truck lost control and drove towards them.;

3. (单选题)3.

  • A. She lost one leg in the accident.
  • B. She lost her life in the accident.
  • C. She lost her daughter in the accident.
  • D. She lost her husband in the accident.

正确答案: C:She lost her daughter in the accident.;

Unit 2 作业1-词汇填空

一. 填空题(共8题,8分)

1. (填空题, 1分)Engineers are carrying out essential __________ work on the main line to Cambridge.

正确答案:(1) maintenance

2. (填空题, 1分)Do you think you could glance over the minutes(会议记录) that I __________of our last meeting before I have them typed out?

正确答案:(1) have drafted

3. (填空题, 1分)No one will work ________ without some form of compensation.

正确答案:(1) indefinitely

4. (填空题, 1分)There were hasty discussions in an atmosphere of ________ tension and panic.

正确答案:(1) mounting

5. (填空题, 1分)She stood and quietly __________ the scene that lay before her.

正确答案:(1) contemplated

6. (填空题, 1分)Poor posture, sitting or walking slouched over, __________the body’s organs.

正确答案:(1) compresses

7. (填空题, 1分)A hot compress with this ointment can reduce ________ and alleviate pain.

正确答案:(1) swelling

8. (填空题, 1分)Did they get any compensation when they were __________ from their jobs?

正确答案:(1) dismissed

Unit 2 作业2-15选10课内

一. 填空题(共10题)

1. (填空题)只能填大写字母,否则不得分!       

My husband and I were on our way travelling abroad. But my accidental stumble ended the travel before it really started. That’s when my husband became someone I didn’t know: uncaring and insensitive to me.        I told him that I heard a snapping sound when I 1. ________ and fell. But he, my husband, not only 2. _______ what I said but also contended that it must have been the 3. ______ on my shoes snapping. Therefore, we didn’t know my foot was broken because he didn’t send me to a doctor even though my foot was swollen 4. ______ a balloon. During the 12-hour flight to the airport, he left me alone in the borrowed wheelchair and pretended that he didn’t notice my gestures indicating the need of going to the bathroom. What’s more, later, he even asked me to drive with my left foot, trying not to drive me to my first doctor’s appointment. His egregious behavior caused me to suffer from additional worries and deepened my anxiety. I doubted that his presence may upset me. The unhealthy emotional state, 5. ______ , distress and misery, caused by his awful behavior also 6. ______ me.        He always turned a deaf ear to my complaint about his nasty behavior and the distress he imposed on me. Whether I yelled 7. _______ rage or angered in silence, he still behaved the same.        Although my foot was broken, my brain was good. My husband is an attorney, so I wrote a 8. _______ complaint in which all his 9. _________ and disgusting behaviors were stated. I also asked for 10. _________ amount of apology and compensation in the complaint. He got what I said and promised to reform.
A. stumbled          B. gestures           C. like                  D. at                     E. strapF. fury                   G. condemn         H. out of              I. dismissed          J. ridiculousK. words               L. upset                M. resembles       N. mock               O. indefinite

1. ______


1分(1) A 正确答案:(1) A

2. (填空题, 1分)2. ______


1分(1) I 正确答案:(1) I

3. (填空题, 1分)3. ______


1分(1) E 正确答案:(1) E

4. (填空题, 1分)4. ______


1分(1) C 正确答案:(1) C

5. (填空题, 1分)5. ______


1分(1) F 正确答案:(1) F

6. (填空题, 1分)6. ______


1分(1) L 正确答案:(1) L

7. (填空题, 1分)7. ______

正确答案:(1) H

8. (填空题, 1分)8. ______

正确答案:(1) N

9. (填空题, 1分)9. ______

正确答案:(1) J

10. (填空题, 1分)10. ______

正确答案:(1) O

Unit2 听力作业1-news

一. 单选题(共3题,3分)

1. (单选题, 1分)Question 5

  • A. About 7,000.
  • B. About 14,000.
  • C. About 3,500.
  • D. About 1,700.

正确答案: C:About 3,500.;

2. (单选题, 1分)Question 6

  • A. Its people are proud of their old language.
  • B. Very few people can speak its language fluently now.
  • C. Linguists labeled its language as “moribund”.
  • D. Technology is an enemy to its language.

正确答案: D:Technology is an enemy to its language.;

3. (单选题, 1分)Question 7

  • A. The disappearance of Siletz language won’t happen.
  • B. He would need outside help to revive the Siletz language.
  • C. One language goes extinct every two weeks.
  • D. There are only 14,000 words and phrases in his native tongue.

正确答案: B:He would need outside help to revive the Siletz language.;

Unit2 听力作业2-conversation.xls

一. 单选题(共4题,4分)

1. (单选题, 1分)Question 12

  • A. One Hundred dollars.
  • B. Thirty-five dollars.
  • C. Fifty dollars.
  • D. Two hundred and fifty dollars.

我的答案: A:One Hundred dollars.;正确答案: A:One Hundred dollars.;

2. (单选题, 1分)Question 13

  • A. To secure a two-bedroom apartment.
  • B. To renew a six-month lease.
  • C. To pay for a dishwasher.
  • D. To cover property damage.

我的答案: D:To cover property damage.;正确答案: D:To cover property damage.;

3. (单选题, 1分)Question 14

  • A. For a week.
  • B. For two weeks.
  • C. For three weeks.
  • D. For a month.

我的答案: C:For three weeks.;正确答案: C:For three weeks.;

4. (单选题, 1分)Question 15

  • A. At three-thirty.
  • B. At one-thirty.
  • C. At four o’clock.
  • D. At five o’clock.

我的答案: D:At five o’clock.;正确答案: D:At five o’clock.;

Unit2 听力作业3-passage.xls

一. 单选题(共3题,3分)

1. (单选题, 1分)Question 23

  • A. Family dinner helps people achieve open communication.
  • B. Family dinner is nutritious.
  • C. Family dinner is a time of family games.
  • D. Family dinner is a great time to have free exchange of the events of the day.

我的答案: C:Family dinner is a time of family games.;正确答案: C:Family dinner is a time of family games.;

2. (单选题, 1分)Question 24

  • A. Whether they have good school performance.
  • B. Whether they have boyfriends/girlfriends.
  • C. Whether they are addicted to drugs.
  • D. Both A) and C).

正确答案: D:Both A) and C).;

3. (单选题, 1分)Question 25

  • A. Parents should pay more attention to their children.
  • B. Family members should gather together more often.
  • C. Family should share opinions with each other.
  • D. Family dinner is really beneficial, but not automatic.

正确答案: D:Family dinner is really beneficial, but not automatic.;


一. 填空题(共8题,16分)

1. (填空题, 2分)You will soon become fully __________ with the procedures .

正确答案:(1) acquainted

2. (填空题, 2分)Environmental groups are _________ pressure on the government to tighten pollution laws.

正确答案:(1) exerting

3. (填空题, 2分)We ________ on chicken and roast potatoes.

正确答案:(1) feasted

4. (填空题, 2分)Some children show signs of anxiety and _________ at exam time.

正确答案:(1) depression

5. (填空题, 2分)___________ is an inevitable part of marriage.

正确答案:(1) Compromise

6. (填空题, 2分)This matter will be decided by the party’s national _________.

正确答案:(1) executive

7. (填空题, 2分)They may even ______ losing their homes.

正确答案:(1) risk

8. (填空题, 2分)There turned out to be no ________ evidence of Mardell’s guilt.

正确答案:(1) reliable


一. 填空题(共10题,100分)

1. (填空题, 10分)

The most common causes of stress in family life are finances, work and health. The financial situation is the cause most often cited for stress in family life. When there are money problems, people ① _____ to live in a perpetual state of stress. Work may ②_________ family stress as well. There are plenty of people that feel trapped in dead-end jobs with no opportunity for advancement. They work ③ ___________, make minimum wage and struggle to pay the bills. Another factor that causes stress is the lack of job security. Children are another source of stress. Parents try to protect them from the harsh realities of the world but at times the obstacles can seem insurmountable especially once children reach the pre-teen and teenage Years. Parents worry about their teens ④ _________ to alcohol or drugs, or hanging with the wrong crowd. They worry about their education, providing for their needs and their safety. Another major cause of stress in family life is that parents ⑤ _________ too many responsibilities. Some people find it difficult to say no. This causes them to be burdened with more than they can ⑥ _____ . Stress can ⑦_____ an enormous influence on family life. A person under huge stress may suffer from ⑧___________ or insomnia. He may argue with his spouse over matters that usually wouldn’t ⑨______ such a response. A stressed parent may snap at children over the smallest transgression(违法,犯规), then feel bad about it later. When one person in a family is experiencing high stress levels, everyone else feels the stress too. Family members may feel as if they are walking on eggshells. It is difficult to seek ⑩_______ for someone who is extremely stressed since they may become depressed as well.A. exert        B. arouse         C. compromise     D. bear        E. addictedF. intensify   G. risk              H. industriously    I. tend         J. undertakeK. overall      L. thus             M. reliable             N. relief      O. depression1.________________


10分(1) I 正确答案:(1) I

2. (填空题, 10分)


10分(1) F 正确答案:(1) F

3. (填空题, 10分)


10分(1) H 正确答案:(1) H

4. (填空题, 10分)


10分(1) E 正确答案:(1) E

5. (填空题, 10分)

正确答案:(1) J

6. (填空题, 10分)

正确答案:(1) D

7. (填空题, 10分)7.____________

正确答案:(1) A

8. (填空题, 10分)

正确答案:(1) O

9. (填空题, 10分)

 正确答案:(1) B

10. (填空题, 10分)

正确答案:(1) N


一. 单选题(共3题,6分)

1. (单选题, 2分)Question 5

  • A. Creative defenses.
  • B. Xanax.
  • C. Reading.
  • D. Writing.

我的答案: C:Reading.;正确答案: C:Reading.;

2. (单选题, 2分)Question 6

  • A. The students were told they’d receive money for high marks before the first test.
  • B. The students did nothing special before the second test.
  • C. All of the students were then instructed to take 10 minutes to write down their concerns about the test.
  • D. The students who wrote about their fears showed a five percent improvement on the exam.

我的答案: D:The students who wrote about their fears showed a five percent improvement on the exam.;正确答案: D:The students who wrote about their fears showed a five percent improvement on the exam.;

3. (单选题, 2分)Question 7

  • A. Anything you want.
  • B. Test-related concerns.
  • C. Prospective test result.
  • D. None of the above.

我的答案: B:Test-related concerns.;正确答案: B:Test-related concerns.;


一. 单选题(共4题,8分)

1. (单选题, 2分)Question 12

  • A. A bank clerk.
  • B. A businessman.
  • C. A salesman.
  • D. A lawyer.

我的答案: B:A businessman.;正确答案: B:A businessman.;

2. (单选题, 2分)Question 13

  • A. He wants to kill time.
  • B. He wants to save money.
  • C. He likes doing something creatively.
  • D. He wants to use his brain.

我的答案: C:He likes doing something creatively.;正确答案: C:He likes doing something creatively.;

3. (单选题, 2分)Question 14

  • A. High stress will make him change his job.
  • B. There is a specific rule to beat stress.
  • C. He has not found an effective way to beat stress.
  • D. An element of stress is a good thing.

我的答案: D:An element of stress is a good thing.;正确答案: D:An element of stress is a good thing.;

4. (单选题, 2分)Question 15

  • A. He suffers a lot of stress.
  • B. He is often worn out for work.
  • C. He likes mental challenge.
  • D. He enjoys his family life very much.

我的答案: C:He likes mental challenge.;正确答案: C:He likes mental challenge.;


一. 单选题(共3题,6分)

1. (单选题, 2分)Question 23

  • A. It can do good to us.
  • B. It can do harm to us.
  • C. It can kill us.
  • D. All of the above.

我的答案: D:All of the above.;正确答案: D:All of the above.;

2. (单选题, 2分)Question 24

  • A. Suicide.
  • B. Competition for jobs.
  • C. Worry about the future.
  • D. Any big changes in our lives.

我的答案: A:Suicide.;正确答案: A:Suicide.;

3. (单选题, 2分)Question 25

  • A. Treatment.
  • B. Prevention.
  • C. Cure.
  • D. Seeing a doctor.

我的答案: B:Prevention.;正确答案: B:Prevention.;

Unit4 听力B 作业1

一. 单选题(共2题,100分)

1. (单选题)

  • A.They can develop skills that Africa needs most.
  • B.They get financial help from their countries.
  • C. They want to make friends with Chinese.
  • D. They come to study English. 

正确答案: A:They can develop skills that Africa needs most. ;

2. (单选题)

  • A.Students can’t understand the language of the lecturers.
  • B. It is easy to get a degree.
  • C.Students are pushed by getting good grades.
  • D.  Both A) and B).

正确答案: D: Both A) and B).;

Unit 4 听力B 作业2

一. 单选题(共2题,100分)

1. (单选题)Q3

  • A.A) It will not include passages from some American historical documents.
  • B.B) It will test students on rarely used words.
  • C.C) It will not require students to provide an essay. 
  • D.D) It will ask students to write about freedom and     human rights.

正确答案: C:C) It will not require students to provide an essay. ;

2. (单选题)Q4

  • A. International students may not be conversant with American historical documents.
  • B.B) International students may not be conversant with the Declaration of Independence.
  • C.C) International students may not be conversant with     Martin Luther King Jr.’s work.
  • D. D) International students may not be conversant with SAT.

正确答案: A: International students may not be conversant with American historical documents. ;

unit4 听力B作业3-conversation

一. 单选题(共4题,100分)

1. (单选题) What is the most important thing admission officers are looking for in a personal statement?

  • A.A)Personal background. 
  • B.B) Personal focus. 
  • C.C) Personal attitudes. 
  • D. D) Personal intellectual capacity.

正确答案: D:D) Personal intellectual capacity.;

2. (单选题)9 What else should be included in a personal statement?

  • A.A)Personal hobbies. 
  • B.B) Family background. 
  • C.C) Personal achievements. 
  • D. D) Hometown information. 

正确答案: C:C) Personal achievements. ;

3. (单选题)
What should a personal statement focus on?

  • A.Personal background. 
  • B.B) Reasons for your application. 
  • C.C) Career and personal objectives 
  • D. D) All of the above. 

正确答案: D:D) All of the above. ;

4. (单选题)
What can you infer about personal statement from the conversation?

  • A.A)It is the only requirement imposed by U.S. graduate schools. 
  • B.B) It is helpful for application for U.S. graduate schools.
  • C.C) All of your achievements must be proved by evidence.
  • D. D) The time when you accomplished your achievements should be exact. 

正确答案: B:B) It is helpful for application for U.S. graduate schools. ;

unit4 听力B作业4-passage

一. 单选题(共3题,100分)

1. (单选题) Which of the following would most U.S. students choose for study abroad?B

  • A.A) A full degree.
  • B.B) Short-term study abroad programs.
  • C.C) Long-term study abroad programs.
  • D. D) None of the above.

正确答案: B:B) Short-term study abroad programs. ;

2. (单选题)
17 Which of the following countries would U.S. students NOT choose to study in?

  • A.A) Britain.
  • B.B) Spain.
  • C.C) China.
  • D. D) Germany.

正确答案: D:D) Germany.;

3. (单选题)
What is the notable change according to the report?

  • A.A) More U.S. students’ destinations are outside of Europe.
  • B.B) More U.S. students’ destinations are in Eastern Asia.
  • C.C) More U.S. students’ destinations are non-English speaking countries.
  • D. D) More U.S. students’ destinations are not traditional ones.

正确答案: D:D) More U.S. students’ destinations are not traditional ones.;

Unit4 作业2- 15选10 课内

一. 填空题(共10题)

1. (填空题)
unit4 15选10 填空1    

正确答案:(1) C

2. (填空题)
unit4 15选10 填空2    

正确答案:(1) I

3. (填空题)
unit4 15选10 填空3    

正确答案:(1) A

4. (填空题)
unit4 15选10 填空4    

正确答案:(1) G

5. (填空题)
unit4 15选10 填空5    

正确答案:(1) O

6. (填空题)
unit4 15选10 填空6   

正确答案:(1) K

7. (填空题)unit4 15选10 填空7    

正确答案:(1) E

8. (填空题)
unit4 15选10 填空8

正确答案:(1) M

9. (填空题)
unit4 15选10 填空9    

正确答案:(1) H

10. (填空题)
unit4 15选10 填空10    

正确答案:(1) N

unit4 作业1-词汇填空

一. 填空题(共1题,100分)

1. (填空题)
Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.   

1 In many areas the   of the Lantern Festival is the dragon dance.2 Silence is the most perfect expression of .3 Some of the nicest people I know are also the most  people I know.4 The wounded woman  to the phone to call the police.5 We have to apart to two groups, but let us be brothers forever.6 They walked through the forest breathing the of pines.7 Tell children to do the opposite of what you really want, and they will and actually end up doing what you want.8 He his bad luck in arriving just after she’d left.

正确答案:(1) highlight

(2)  scorn

(3)  humble

(4) crawled  

(5) drift 

(6)  scent 

(7) rebel 

(8) cursed 
